Star Trek, its characters, ships, designs, Okudagrams, logos, etc., are all registered trademarks of Paramount Pictures Corporation. Most images used have been reproduced by myself or gathered from the WWW. Credit is given when the author is known. Reproductions of the trademarked images has been done without consent from Paramount. For more information about Viacom/Paramount's position regarding "fan sites," please refer to Paramount's public statement/letter.

The prime directive of this "fan" page is to explain items of Trek Technology in a way that makes sense according to several theories of physics, along with diagrams. There will be a few exceptions to the usage of the laws of physics, as that is the primary requirement for transporting--unless I come up with something reasonable (or believable).

This page does not replace the Star Trek Next Generation Technical Manual, although some information may be quoted from there, in an effort to help maintain the illusion of the LCARS.

If anyone has any problems regarding information, copyrights, and so on, please press "COMMUNICATIONS" to send me a subspace transmission. Some information is from the FAQ: A History of Ships Named Enterprise Compiled by David Wells <>

Stardate Real-time Display Applet 2.1, Copyright 1997-2002 J. Caesar (Y2K and 2023 Compliant).

Copyright © 1997-2002 J.L. Caesar
Star Trek and images depicted are registered trademarks of Paramount Pictures Corporation.
This notice shall pertain to all Digital Ostentation related Trek pages.