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Updated: February 17, 2000 09:50 PM
Okay this where I put screenshots and information regarding my Quake 2 Levels (for Deathmatch).
If you have Tahoma font, then this will be easier to read--Times and Helvetica suck.


A Terraforming Facility on some planet.  The types of rooms you can find in terraform1.bsp are a landing pad, a steam room where water is converted to high pressure steam for power and what not, a water pumping room (have to get the water to different places), and the sewer room.

Terraform2.bsp - Atmosphere Processor is pretty self-explanatory.  There will be a small outdoor area leading to the entrance, the rest of the map is 3 floors, and the exhaust tower.   It's going to be big..  Room for probably up to 32 players to comfortably deathmatch.


Well not much to say here, but if your card doesn't support colored lighting, I have to tell you it's going to look a bit different, and definitely not as appealing as say a Voodoo version.  Therefore, I'd recommend getting a Voodoo2.  Terraform1.bsp appears to go pretty quick, and is probably good with a minimum of 3 up to 32 players--Bots seem to like the map and do fairly well on it.  Terraform2.bsp will probably be a bit faster, though it's hard with the top level... a really big outdoor area.


T1 was built with Qoole 2.31-2.34, and some finishing touches in WCraft1.6.  Build time:   qbsp3 -fulldetail (45 secs.) , qvis3 -level 4 (54 mins.), qrad3 -bounce 32 -extra (1 hr.).  The world polygons in view (r_speeds 1) in a couple corners will jump to 650, though id's levels will jump as high as 750.  No need to worry about this unless you're hiding in the corner of one of the large open rooms...

T2, the second map, is done all in WC1.6.  Qoole is pretty good, but WC1.6 is FASTER, less buggy, and has a bunch more features.  Qoole does have some advantages though, especially in texture application. R_speeds currently fit below 600 mostly, a couple places have jumps to 750, like Id's levels, and am trying to bring them down.   Build time so far:  QBSP (110 secs.), QVIS -level 4 (2800 secs.), and QRAD3 -bounce 40 -extra -sunlight (27000 secs.).

Thanks and availability

Thanks, to Rob for some concept streamlining, and Czar Vargo and Dank_09 for the playtesting.

Terraform1.bsp is available.  Go to the Landing Pad area below to get it.


SCREENSHOTS and Downloads
landingpad.gif (10096 bytes)
atmosproc.gif (10859 bytes)
Landing Pad received a rating of 90 on Talon's Strike DM Reviews.
Not bad for my first Q2 DM level!

Talon's Strike, Quake1/2 level reviews...